Monday, October 26, 2009

Wake up in a Dream

I squint my eyes to check if they are working. It is pitch dark. The light of a passing truck ensures me my vision still works. Confusion sets in as I am jostled for a deep sleep. I begin searching for clues to reveal how long I have been asleep. Or am I still dreaming. It is too dark. Too quite. I peer around the seat in front of me. A blink green digital clock flashes 12:00. Each flash taunts my curiosity. The blinking doesn´t change but it slowly erodes me sanity.
The bus floats through a mountain pass with mountains loom over the bus n both sides. This sixteen hour bus ride from Lima to Arequipa turns from a sleeper bus ride to a catastrophic containment. The only certainly I can cling to is we are bound by a goal. With each passing minute I am closer to my destination. But with each passing moment, the clock continues to strip away my sanity.
I must to anything to slow the blinking of the clock. My eyes are glued to it. It tells me time is passing but with no context it has the opposite effect than desired. I am left with no judgment of reality based on my surroundings. Is it my surroundings or is it me?
It is not the darkness that leaves me with no concrete reality.
It is my mind.
I will not give into the clock. I take charge of my sanity. I drop my footrest, pull my recliner lever and slop into an uneasy slumber. I will dream away my nightmare.

I again awake into another dream. The widows are light with a hazy white glow. The bus rocks gently as it passes through thick clouds. It winds gently atop a narrow road. The road winds through a rolling mountainous pass with a gray sand complementing the hazy glow of the cloud. The mystic landscape seamlessly is framed by the mountainous surrounding. The cloud impede a clear view of the mountain-tops. The valley is surrounded by unlimited elevation all around. The clouds part the mountains a grant access to our bus. The road dips and rises, perfectly bisecting the cloud bottom and gravelly earth below. The majestic landscape again forces me to question reality over again. The landscape acts as a blank canvas that encourages imagination from all that look upon it. The path climbs and descends three mountain rages. My sanity, perspective and discourse fluctuate accordingly.

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